Legislative NewsSB224

If you missed the meeting it is recorded on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-YIMjwQIe

The UAPR Advisory Board, representatives of industry, and partner state regulatory agencies will speak at the August 22, 2024, summit and discuss possible rulemaking solutions. The Summit will be live on Webex, with questions being managed on Poll Everywhere. The public is invited to attend and may submit questions or concerns through the Poll Everywhere system during the event.  To do so, download the app, or visit their website at https://pollev.com/tdlr2024. Please note, if you’re watching via YouTube, there will be a 30-40 second delay compared to those participating on Webex.  Keep this in mind when submitting your responses to our questions. To join the webinar click on the link below:https://tdlr.webex.com/tdlr/j.php?MTID=mc6a0e69471823979cba62958fc6ce8e4To view the webinar on YouTube, click the link below:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-YIMjwQIeIFollowing the summit, the UAPR Advisory Board will convene a regular meeting and may formally propose rules for adoption.  Interested persons can submit public comments to the board by emailing [email protected] by Wednesday, August 21, 2024.

Tchad Taormina from LKQ and Lloyd Welty from Picknpullsa will both be there representing the UAPR as Board members of Texas Automotive Recycler Association (TATA).
TARA is reaching out to all of you to participate in the Webex meeting on August 22.

use the links above

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
Texas Administrative Code
View TAC
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR)
Texas Workforce Commission
The Driving Force for Environmental Compliance
Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA)
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Texas DMV Salvage/ Nonrepairable Motor Vehicle Manual
Salvage Nonrepairable Manual
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Texas Legislature Online
Texas Department of Transportation
Texas Attorney General
Texas Department of Public Safety
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